Historic Church Documents

Articles and Links to Creeds and Confessions

Creeds, Confessions, Articles and Links

Every Christian ought to consider the manner in which Christโ€™s Spirit engages men in spiritual revival and renewal throughout the history of the church.

The covenanters were some of the most abused Christians in the history of the church. Their lives and deaths are a telling account of Godโ€™s faithfulness to them and their unwavering faithfulness to Christโ€™s Crown and Covenant.

Heresy in the church is exceedingly destructive. This work is a wonderful summation of many of the heresies that have plagued the church throughout history, as well as in our own day.

Did Augustine believe and teach the doctrines of grace? Or were these doctrines formulated later? This work is a survey of Augustineโ€™s writings with the conclusion that Augustine was no doubt, a Calvinist.

Read about the sovereignty of God in action during the greatest revival and recovery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in church history โ€“ the Reformationโ€ฆand all of it MADE EASY.

People have asked, โ€œWhat is Ramean Logic?โ€ The Puritans were โ€œRamistsโ€ in their logical approach. This turn of the century work highlights the educational reformer Peter Ramus and his contributions in logic to the Reformation and Puritanism. A MUST readโ€ฆ

1647 Westminster Confession and Standards

The Westminster Confession of Faith’s Additional Documents, along with the subordinate documents like the Larger and Short Catechism, Solemn League and Covenant, Sum of Saving Knoweldge, etc.

Comparison of the 1646 Westminster Confession Edition to the tragic American Revision of the Confession

1655 Midland Confession of Faith

1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

The 95 Theses by Martin Luther

The TABLE-TALK of Martin Luther (PDF)

3 Forms of Unity AUDIO

The Children’s Catechism

A Short History of Creeds and Confessions by A.A. Hodge

Abstract of Principles (1858)

An Appendix to the Baptist Confession of Faith by Benjamin Cox (1646)

An Excerpt from The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines by Willian Hetherington

Benjamin Keachโ€™s Catechism (1689)

Calvinโ€™s Catechism by John Calvin

Small Children’s Catechism Buy a copy here.

Confession of Faith of the Calvinistic Methodists of Wales (1823)

Covenants of New England (1629-1639)

Creeds from the Bible

First London Confession of 1646

Lausanne Covenant (1974)

London Baptist Confession of 1644

Short Confession of Faith in 20 Articles (1609) by John Smyth

The Anabaptist Confession (1659)

The Anathemas of the Second Council of Constantinople (553 AD)

The Apostlesโ€™ Creed

The Athanasian Creed Circa 500 A.D.

The Augsburg Confession โ€“ by Philip Melancthon (1497-1560)

Apology of the Augsburg Confession

The Belgic Confession Circa 1561 A.D.

The Belgic Confession AUDIO

The Book of Concord – The Confessions of the Lutheran Church

The Cambridge Declaration

The Canons of the Council of Orange (circa 529 AD)

The Chalcedonian Creed Circa 451 A.D.

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978)

The Consensus Tigurinus by John Calvin

The Discretionary Power of the Church by John L. Girardeau

The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura in a Nutshell by C. Matthew McMahon

The Genevan Book of Church Order

The Heidelberg Catechism (1563, 1619) by Zacharias Ursinus

The Heidelberg Catechism AUDIO

The Irish Articles of Religion (1615) by James Ussher

The Lambeth Articles

The Mayflower Compact (1620)

The Nicene Creed Circa 381 A.D.

The Remonstrantsโ€™ Heretical Arminian Documents

The Savoy Declaration (1658) by John Owen

The Scottish Confession by John Knox

The Second Helvetic Confession

The Seven Articles of the Church of Leyden (1617)

The Smalcald Articles by Martin Luther

The Canons of the Synod of Dordt (1618-1619 A.D.)

The Canons of the Synod of Dordt AUDIO

The Thirty-Nine Articles (1571)

The Utility and Importance of Creeds and Confessions by Samuel Miller

The Waldensian Confessions of Faith (Circa 1120)

The Young Communicantโ€™s Catechism by John Willison

Waldenses Confession of 1544

History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines by William Maxwell Hetherington, D. D., LL. D.

The Reformed Faith: An Exposition of The Westminster Confession of Faith by Robert Shaw

A Brief History of the Heidelberg Catechism from: Cyclopedia Of Biblical, Theological And Ecclesiastical Literature, by James Strong & John McClintock

The Heidelberg Catechism – An Ageless Summary of an Everlasting Comfort

Fisher’s Catechism (PDF) Buy a Copy of Fisher’s Catechism Here
The great Scottish commentary on the Westminster Shorter Catechism.

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards

59 Sermons from The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield (PDF)

The American Colonist’s Library

The Early Church Fathers

The Saint’s Everlasting Rest by Richard Baxter (ePub)

Calvin’s Calvinism (PDF)

Works of Jonathan Edwards

God’s Way of Peace, A Book for the Anxious by Horatius Bonar, D.D.

For Whom Did Christ Die? by John Owen
A tidbit of good ol’ Puritan logic from the good doctor, John Owen.

A First Interview with Queen Mary (1561) by John Knox

Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos – A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants (PDF)

Original 1599 Geneva Bible and Notes

The Geneva Bible: The Forgotten Translation by Gary DeMar, for additional information on the importance of the Geneva Notes in the history of the Church.

The Reformed View of Schism by Rev. Andrew Clarkson

The Apostolic Church Which Is It by Thomas Witherrow

An Answer to Jus Divinum โ€“ Ministers of England

The Illumination of the Holy Spirit & Theological Traditionalism by C. Matthew McMahon

Religious Principles of the Scottish Martyrs by Andrew Symington

The Late Schismatic Petition For a Diabolical Toleration Of Several Religions Expounded by Dr. Holdisworth

Reformation of Church Government in Scotland by the Scottish Commissioners

Against The Independentโ€™s Catechism

Union and Uniformity in the Church by Thomas Houston

The WCF on Church & State by William Cunningham

The Catechisms of the Westminster Assembly by John Murray

Sermon 1: On The Solemn League & Covenant by Rev. Thomas Case

Sermon 2: On The Solemn League & Covenant by Rev. Thomas Case

The Calling of the Westminster Assembly by John Murray

Is the Shorter Catechism Worth While? by BB Warfield

The Heartโ€™s Engagement, A Sermon on the Solemn League & Covenant by Thomas Coleman

On The Solemn League & Covenant, Exhortation by Alexander Henderson

A Sermon at London On The Solemn League & Covenant by Edmond Calamy

A Sermon at Westminster On The Solemn League & Covenant by Jospeh Caryl

An Address at Westminster on the Solemn League & Covenant by Phillip Nye

Mr. Rutherfordโ€™s Testimony to the Covenanted Work of Reformation by Samuel Rutherford

What is Meant by Adopting the Westminster Confession by Charles Hodge

The History and Theology of the Solemn League and Covenant by C. Matthew McMahon

The Westminster Assembly and Its Work by C. Matthew McMahon

The Standards of the Westminster Confession of Faith by C. Matthew McMahon

A History of the Westminster Assembly by C. Matthew McMahon

Some Reasons for Retaining the WCF as a Basis for Ecclesiastical Union by James Willison

Broad Churchism by RL Dabney

Catholic Communion True Communion between the Saints by John T. Pressly

A Specimen of Divine Truth by Abraham Hellenbroek

Lex Rex Questions 1-10 by Samuel Rutherford

Queensferry Paper of 1680

Lanark Declaration of 1681

Mitchell delivers one of the best analysis of the preparation and creation of the Westminster Documents. A must read for lovers of Puritanism and the Westminster Confession.

Visit old England and the preachers of the day. Brown chooses choice selections for you to read about those who made Protestantism possible just before the time of the Reformation, up and through the time of the Puritans.

The history of the covenanters is heart wrenching and faith affirming. This is one of the only works available that comprehensibly deals with that period of persecution in the time of the Covenanters in Scotland. Awesome faith-building reading.

Hetheringtonโ€™s work is a classic. It is one of the best histories of the Assembly available. Now in an updated format, and available in both eBook and Print!

This is one of the only existent copies and manuscripts of the history of Wycliffe. Generally, only childrenโ€™s books can be found on him. This faith building work outlines his life and difficulties as the Morning Star of the Reformation.

The writings of the Reformers themselves hold the marrow and the blessing of the Reformation. In this little volume are a series of encouraging writings written by four Reformation giants Beza, Latimer, Calvin and Knox. AWESOME faith-building writings.

Reformed Theology and Apologetics
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