
Articles on the Last Things and the End Times

Eschatology Articles and Links

The following resources pertain to eschatology — the study of the end times. There are three basic eschatological views which are held by those calling themselves “Reformed.” These are: postmillennialism, amillennialism, and historic premillennialism. Absent from the list is dispensational premillennialism because it is a view which (a) is incompatible with the doctrines of grace (b) compromises God’s aseity, and (c) compromises God’s sovereignty. Also incompatible with the doctrines of grace, are views that require two resurrections in light of a supposed secret rapture. Below are included some critques of different aspects of dispensationalist teaching.

Critiques of Full Preterism

The Allurement of Hymenaen Preterism: The Rise of “Dispensable Eschatology” by Jim West

A Brief Theological Analysis of Hyper-Preterism by Ken Gentry

A Response to the Preterist Interpretation of the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24) by Jonathan H. Barlow

Keith A. Mathison, ed. When Shall These Things Be? This book is a collection of essays addressing various aspects of hyper-preterism (a view of eschatology that argues all biblical prophecy was fulfilled in the first century).



A Defense of (Reformed) Amillennialism by Prof. David J. Engelsma

Making Sense of the Millennium, Part 1 by Kevin DeYoung

Making Sense of the Millennium, Part 2 by Kevin DeYoung

MP3 Series by Kim Riddlebarger

Amillenialism by Anthony Hoekema



Are There Few That Be Saved? (PDF) by B.B. Warfield, d. d., ll. d., litt. d. Professor in Princeton Theological Seminary

Postmillennialism by Loraine Boettner (Offsite)

Objections to Postmillenialism by Greg Bahnsen

Always Victorious! The Earliest Church not Pre- but Postmillennial by Dr F N Lee

Biblical Eschatology (PDF) by G.I. Williamson
Note: This work would usually be classified as A-millennialism. But since the โ€˜Aโ€™ means โ€˜NOโ€™-millennium, the Author has requested that his work be classed as โ€˜Postโ€™-Millennialism because he definitely believes there is a Millennium. _EW

Notes on the Revelation in the Original 1599 Geneva Bible Notes

Notes on The Apocalypse (1870) by David Steele
This is a popular work by an American Postmillennialist of the 1870s.

Historicism Research Foundation is run by Parnell McCarter, and which was advised by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee of Queensland Presbyterian Theological College.

The Non-Preterist Historicalism of John Calvin and The Westminster Standards by Francis Nigel Lee

Complete Commentary of Matthew Henry with a Commentary on Revelation

The Work of Redemption, See Period III by Jonathan Edwards
A most remarkable glimce into the mind of President Edwards. He boldly proclaims the glorious future of Christ’s Kingdon on earth BEFORE the return of Christ.

Encouragements from the Promises and Prophecies of Scripture by Rev. John G. Lorimer
Another article urging optimism in eschatology.

A Humble Attempt by Jonathan Edwards
“…to promote the agreement and union of god’s people throughout the world in extraordinary prayer for a revival of religion and the advancement of god’s kingdom on earth, according to scriptural promises and prophecies of the last time.”

The Kingdom of Heaven by Charles Hodge
In the account given of the final judgment in Matthew 25:31-46, we are told that the King shall โ€œsay to those on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.โ€

The Man of Lawlessness by Kenneth Gentry

Daniel’s Seventy Weeks: A Study of Daniel 9:24-27 by Kenneth Gentry

The Book of Revelation & Eschatology by Kenneth Gentry

Historic Premillennialism

HisTomorrow ( is dedicated to equipping the saints with solid Biblical exegesis of Bible prophecy. Our position is the same as that of Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Spurgeon, and many of Christianity’s greatest theologians: Pre-millennial historicism–the classic form of “historic-premillennialism”. This site is the best resource that we know of for information about, and books by, Dr. H. Grattan Guinness. We feature over 120 web-pages of articles, essays, and books promoting the historicist interpretation of end-times prophecy.


Critiques of Dispensational Pre-Millennialism

Christopher Love (1618-1651) harvests sweet biblical honey from the word of God concerning the ascension of Jesus Christ, and the coming of Christ again to judgment. Though Love carefully refutes theological ideas such as the 1000 year earthly millennial reign of Christ, and the idea of soul sleep, he is more focused on demonstrating the sweetness and benefits of Christโ€™s ascension and second coming.

His main text is John 14:3, โ€œAnd if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.โ€ Love focuses on Christโ€™s ascension, or his going up to heaven. He says, this is a ground of great comfort and great advantage to all his people while they dwell here on earth. If the ascension is true, and it is, you ought to have an interest in Jesus Christ in this doctrine. Practically, no Christian should be afraid to die, because your Christ is in heaven, and when you die, as Love says, โ€œdeath is but a trapdoor to let you into endless joy where Christ is.โ€

Get the eBook or Print Book here at Puritan Publications.

The Case Against (Dispensational) Premillennialism by Jack Van Deventer

The Premillennial Deception – Chiliasm Examined in the Light of Scripture by Brian Schwertley

Israel and the Church by Jack Van Deventer
This article critiques the popular dispensational notion that there are actually two peoples of God, Israel and the Church.

The Dispensational Origins of Modern Premillennialism by Jack Van Deventer
“The Twentieth Century has seen a dramatic paradigm shift in prophetic perspectives, first away from and now back toward its historic roots. This shift away from historic Christianity stemmed from a novel approach to Bible interpretation called Dispensationalism which was developed in the 1830s and popularized with the 1909 publication of the Scofield Reference Bible.”

The Not So Secret Rapture, revised by W. Fred Rice, Th.M., Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary
In these days of the Left Behind series of books is popularizing the idea of a secret rapture of the church. But is this a teaching that is supported by the Word of God?

The Myth of “Consistent Literalism” by Jack Van Deventer
Argues against the dispensationalist hermeneutic — “Rather than allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture, the Word of God is sifted through a literalistic filter on the theological presupposition that God shuns figurative prophetic language.”

Jonathan Edwards on Eschatology

Eternal Punishment by A. W. Pink

Messiah the Prince or, The Mediatorial Dominion of Jesus Christ (PDF) by William Symington

Analysis of The Revelation by James Orr
Excerpted from: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 9

The Puritan View of the Antichrist
WCF CH XXV VI. There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ: nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called God.

Fall of the Antichrist by Archibald Mason (PDF)

Illustrations of Antichrist’s Rejoicing over the Massacre of St Bartholomew (PDF)

The Antichrist Unveiled by Richard Bennett (PDF)

The Spiritual Antichrist by Samuel Rutherford (PDF)

Antidote Against the Pope by John Mayer (PDF)

The Pope is the Antichrist by George Downame (PDF)

A Discovery of the Man of Sin by John Rainolds (PDF)


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